Open Your Eyes and See Through The LIES!

Earth As a Globe,

Is The Biggest LIE Ever Told!

Besides providing super cool Flat Earth T-Shirts and Clothing Designs, one of the main purposes of this site is to Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Earth is Completely Stationary and Flat.  This shocking truth will be revealed from 3 different angles.  

Angle #1 is The Holy Word of God. 

There is scripture from nearly every book of The Bible that proves the Earth is stationary and flat.  In fact there is not one scriptures that supports the idea of a moving rotating globe that’s hurdling 67,000 mph around the sun.

Angle #2 is Common Sense.

God has given everyone of us the gift of common sense.  It is a guard over our mind to keep us from being injured by the lies of the enemy. 

The tactic of the elites in leadership is to control knowledge.  One of Hitler’s henchmen once said, “If you tell a Lie long enough, that lie will soon become True.”  For hundreds of years we’ve been lied to about nearly everything.  

In fact nearly everything we learned in school is a big fat lie especially when it comes to science and history.  Earth as a Globe is the biggest of lies ever told.  

Without science, without The Holy Word of God, I can destroy this lie with one simple word of common sense. 

And that word is: _____________________   I’ll let you think about that word for a minute while I go to the 3rd and final Angle. 

Angle #3 is NASA’S Own Scientific Data.

I will use NASA’s own scientific data against them to prove that the Earth is 100% stationary and flat.  

As you go through this site, you will be amazed to see how NASA’S own data fails to support their theory of a Spherical Earth.  There are so many holes in the lies of NASA that one of the men who founded NASA admitted on his deathbed that Globe Earth is a lie.  

In fact, he so deeply believed the Earth is Flat with an Impenetrable Dome above it, that he told his family to inscribe a Flat Earth supporting scripture on his tombstone. 

Wernher von Braun, a former Nazi rocket scientist, died in 1977 and had Psalms 19:1 inscribed on his tombstone which says “The Heavens declare the Glory of God, and the Firmament (Dome) shows His Handywork.”

Towards the end of his life, he embarked on a path of truth seeking and forgiveness of all the evil he engaged in under the regime of Hitler.  

This new path led him to denounce his old belief of racism during the heart of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.  

Whil his colleagues had their eyes on the race to the moon, Wernher von Braun had his eyes on the Jim Crow injustices in the state of Alabama. 

He spoke at black Alabama colleges and high schools in effort to recruit black talented scientist to his rocket program.  He was determined to level the playing field of opportunity and encourage black engineers to apply to NASA.

This brought down the wrath of the State of Alabama against him, but he never backed down from his belief that all humanity should strive together to reach new heights regardless of race.

He even attack the notorious racist himself Govenor George Wallace for his racist policies in Alabama. He stood up for black people during a time people were lynched for doing so.

This above anything proved that he truly had a change of heart which is obedience to the Holy Word of God that tells us to “Bring forth fruit worthy of repentance.  

I believe his embarkment on this path of truth and righteousness led him tell the whole truth about Earth and the solar system. 

I believe this is what led him to make his deathbed confession about the lies of Globe Earth and Outerspace. 

I believe this is what led him tell his family to put Psalms 19:1 on his tombstone.

I believe Wernher von Braun planted the seeds that got NASA’s own scientist doubting their own mission and purpose.  They know that it’s all a lie. 

They know that Globe Earth is a lie and that there is no outer space past the dome firmament.

They know that Earth is indeed 100% Stationary and Flat. 

But they don’t want us to know that they know.

And they put the TRUTH out there in Plain Sight if we’re paying attention. 

Google flat earth as one word, spelled backwards and see what is the first site that comes up! {htraetalf}

Yep, you guessed it!

I Rest My Case!

By the way, the one word that completely destroys the Globe Earth model is: WATER

Water is Always Flat and Level.

A Body of Water Can Never be bent into a Curve or Molded into a Ball.  Never Ever.  And

A Body of Water Can Not stick to a Ball at a equal smooth surface all around the Ball.  That is totally Impossible.

Therefore the image of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans being curved into a perfect 360* Sphere is a Total Big Fat LIE!